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Jalal – Abad State Medical University.

2025 Admissions Open

Jalal-Abad State Medical University, popularly known as Jalalabad State University JASU, named after B.Osmonov Medical Faculty, is one of the top ranked medical universities in Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia.

 Жалал-Абад Мамлекеттик Медицина Университети, Б.Осмонов атындагы ЖАМУнун медициналык факультети катары таанымал, Кыргызстандагы жана Борбор Азиядагы медициналык университеттердин рейтингинде алдыңкы орунда турат.

Dr. S.T. Berkmamatov

The Dean

Hospitals Affiliated with JASU

  • Jalalabad Provincial Headquarters Hospital: A premier treatment and medical science institution in the Jalalabad province, offering extensive clinical exposure to students.
  • Jalalabad City Hospital: Another major medical science and treatment center in Jalalabad province, integral to the students’ hands-on training.
  • Suzak Territorial Hospital: A key clinical training site for medical students.
  • Bazar-Korgon Territorial Hospital: Provides specialized healthcare services and practical learning opportunities.
  • Nooken Territorial Hospital
  • Kochkor-Ata Territorial Hospital: A significant site for clinical rotations and patient care studies.
  • Tash-Kumyr Territorial Hospital: Offers practical exposure to various medical disciplines.
  • Toktogul Territorial Hospital: A center for medical education and research collaboration.
  • Aksy Territorial Hospital: Supports advanced clinical practices and research for students.
  • Ala-Buka Territorial Hospital